No Line On The Horizon
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 12:05
Najgorzej martwią mnie wydatki - to Box, to singiel, to 2. singiel, to bilet na koncert (a może i 2 ), to reedycje kolejne w tym roku, to może U23D znów puszczą......aaaaaa Boję się o mój portfel
Przydała by się wygrana w totka
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 21:09
ciuch ciuch!
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 21:27
And I found alcohol
I was looking for The Soul
And I bought some style
I wanted to meet God
And they sold me religion...
I still haven't found what I'm looking for...
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 23:58
Ciekawe czy coś podobnego dodadzą to wersji Limited?
Na U2Wanderer:
Finally, Australia and Japan are apparently getting the (same?) alternate mix of No Line On The Horizon as a bonus track on the upcoming album, while UK retailers are not currently listing a bonus track. Grains of salt all around.
Jak rozumiem chodzi chyba o podstawową wersję albumu, na której miałby być bonus. Ale dziwi brak bonusa na wesji UK?? To ciągłe niedoinformowanie, czy też niezdecydowanie zespołu co dać jeszcze na album a co nie, połączone z już reklamowaną sprzedażą jest wkurzające! Mam kupić w ciemno, a później się okaże, że żadnych bonusów nie ma? A poza tym co to za bonus jak ta inna wersja NLOTH ma być na singlu GOYB, to powinno być coś innego.
Napisano 01 lutego 2009 - 11:28
Plakat promocyjny NLOTH:
To chyba jakieś jaja. Rok 1987 już raz był. Podobnie jak rok 1984.
Jestem coraz bardziej pewny, że nowa muzyka i klip do GOYB to jedyne pozytywy najnowszej odsłony U2. Cała reszta to pasmo kompromitacji nie do zniesienia. No ale nic, muzyka jest najwazniejsza, dobrze że przynajmniej panowie nie zawodzą.
Napisano 01 lutego 2009 - 21:22
Napisano 01 lutego 2009 - 21:44
Review from Bedoc
How to aprehend this first listen, in a context so unique. A fan in the middle of journalists… not knowing with which sauce he will be eaten.
Let’s get straight in the heart of the matter:
No Line On The Horizon : First song on the album. First song, first slap in the face ! A huge slap. The one I was waiting for since Pop, the one I thought I had heard with Vertigo. A heavy atmosphere with Edge omnipresent. Bono’s signing is also very surprising, since he is screaming during the whole song, but in a totally controlled manner, a delight and a future great moment live !
Magnificent : Kicks open the door already opened by NLOTH. The omnipresence of the drums is obvious, and Edge is very sharp, especially on his solo.
Moment of Surrender : The rhythm falls down a bit (the longest song on the album, maybe a bit too long). This song sounds like a prayer with a quite sad atmosphere. Edge is at the piano, well complemented by the bass and the drums.
Unknown caller : The beginning did not totally convince me, but the build-up is super-efficient, because of the drums first, and then supported by the Edge’s guitar, who is offering us another great solo (Jimmy Page influence in the sound ?) that I am looking forward to hear in concert.
I’ll Go Crazy If I don’t Go Crazy Tonight : A fairly classical rythm, with a more scattered signing. Bono even tried to go in the very high notes (with a certain success). The chorus is quite catchy.
Get On Your Boots : Obviously already heard, therefore I was looking forward to see ho it fits on the album. Answer: perfectly.
Stand Up Comedy : The guitar reminds me of another song, but impossible on the spot to remember which one (doesn’t really help). We will remember a bridge mixing electro and drums quite efficiently. The song takes a bit of time to get going, but Edge because more and more powerful (taking over the bass on the second part of the verse), to give a very convincing result in the end.
Fez – Being Born : 2 songs into one. The first part includes quite a nebulours atmosphere, mixing the « Let me in the sound » of Boots (in the background) and a north african woman signing (going back to the beginnings of the album ?). Then the second part starts with Larry with a sound close to Daddy’s Gonna Pay. This song is mostly instrumental and could be used to close concerts.
White As Snow :From what I can remember, the one I least hooked on. It’s the calmest song on the album, and a good ballad, with an Irish spirit, and Bono signing is an more relaxed way. The second part of the album includes a mix of guitar and trumpet (in the background,. Rest assured) that is quite interesting.
Breathe : We get back to serious business with a drums/keyboards intro and a quite fast rythm, especially in the lyrics (a response to the title ?) where Bono alternates between talking and signing. There is a second guitar in support which gives quite a heavy sonic atmosphere. The guitar bridge is followed by violins which brings the mood back down, before being picked up again with a final Edge flight.
Cedars of Lebanon : What was going to be the last song ? Everything here is about simplicity: clam drums, Bono who is talking with a slightly modified voice and an echo effect at the end of sentences. The mood is confessional (story of a soldier in a war), with added noises of rain, radio, helicopter, in the background. The chorus is quite unexpected, very high (in fact I’m not sure it’s Bono, I though I heard two voices…). This one ends the album perfectly.
These details on the songs are obviously personal and coming from notes taken during the listening. One listen is too little to remember everything, to keep the tunes in my head. Therefore it’s the global point of view which is I think the most revealing. Personally, after a first listen, I was completely blown away by this album. Bono and Edge were selling it to us like their best, and frankly they are not far from being right. In any case, it’s the most finished and consistent since Pop (and maybe even AB, I dare say). Too bad we don’t have the lyrics in hand.
The album is much more homogenous, much more refined (the link between NLOTH and Magnificient is to die for), and there are no throwaway songs. We can feel a real overall structure, every song has its place and the order is coherent. Every band member makes himself heard when necessary, and Bono’s voice is at the top! He seems to have improved himself, with a voice that he is mastering in my opinion a bit better than for the last 2 albums, alternating between power, going in the high notes, and quasi-talking signing. There is however a slight abuse of “ohohoho”, present on almost all the songs.
Edge is not left behind, offering us a heavy sound, with a omnipresent guitar, and with some solo’s having the ‘AB touch’ (MW, EBTTRT). I say this for those who think he didn’t give it all on GOYB ;-)
Larry and Adam complete perfectly the overall, and I felt they had their part in the construction of the songs, contrary to the previous albums. Like on GOYB, they know how to be THE rhythm and THE central piece of some of the songs (NLOTH, MOS, GOYB, Stand Up)
To finish, I tried to hear what the journalists were saying: in general very good, and some even admitted being surprised! I’m not the only one saying it
I kolejny:
Journal of Lucile
The context is confusing ... for me, listening to a new U2 album is not only at home, having put the CD in a slightly trembling hand, both excited and anxious to hear the new opus of my 4 Irish favorite. How will it be? The best as announced by Bono, Edge?
And now here I am, fan among journalists, waiting for the start of the meeting, the ears and the heart may be more volatile as they both wait was long, a notebook and pencil, ready to receive my impressions.
55 minutes later ... I think I found U2. What I heard I liked, and for a time in (very) long while! No mouais, medium ... My foot moved, shook my head, my heart vibrated ... even the pen has served more rhythmic as note taker.
The album starts with 2 large claques: No Line On The Horizon, which takes us into the heart of the matter, and sets the tone of the album: powerful and Magnificent, which is a good sized rock anthem, my favorite result Listening to this first.
Back to quiet with Moment of Surrender, the No. 3 spot would be that of the ride? Edge is very present, and provides us several solos. It seems to me a continuation of previous hikes of 2 albums, remembering his mind by the "Sydney 2006" Kite.
Caller Unknom begins with birdsong, Bono sings in the highest tones. A song which at first looks like a ballad and finally gaining momentum, with a chorus removed.
I'll Go Crazy If I Do not Go Crazy Tonight: the song is also gradually rising in power.
Check-in familiar territory, this is Get On Your Boots: the pace is unstoppable, as the refrain. Personal I'm a fan of this first single, which fits perfectly with the album!
Stand Up Comedy: guitar, bass and drums make it sound heavy, and give an electro side to this piece. I noted in my book: it takes in the mouth ... it will probably be more meaningful to the next call!
Fez - Being Born begins with the sound of a crowd which combine "Let me in the sound of Get on your boots. First song in which I feel the influence of Morocco (on the other hand the title also puts us on track!), Piano, string instruments give more strength to this song.
White As Snow: Again the title is a hint, this piece is probably the mildest of the album, the least responsible, the most asked.
Rest does not Breathe brings the rhythms and sounds removed the first rock songs, this time with violins marocains. The chorus is driven, and as for the previous construction is pushed.
Cedars of Lebanon ended in style this album, a song where Bono speaks, declaims rather than sings. And here I am replongée (happily) in the world of Passengers. The battery pack quietly pace the song, guitar and bass are more distant and join the sounds of helicopters, radio ...
No Line On The Horizon album is a dense, heavy, sometimes confined, but decidedly rock in spirit and construction. A coherent album, sometimes confusing (in structure) and therefore an album with a soul. Some titles have been the effect of a bomb (do not see a report with the previous album) and I look forward to the replay. Just as I am looking forward to having the words, which are often important for U2 to identify a song completely.
Of course, these are hot impressions on a single listening. Difficult to distinguish emotion from titles as a first listening and reunion with U2. Also difficult to capture what I felt from my notes without head or tail.
Is this the best I do not know, a very very good no doubt.
ciuch ciuch!
Napisano 02 lutego 2009 - 02:41
Misz masz dziwnie złożonych zdjęć i wielki napis w środku, litości.
Za to bardzo podobają mi się kolejne opisy utworów.
White As Snow - coś mi się widzi, że będzie to niedoceniony i powszechnie jechany geniusz jak Peace On Earth. Ostatni Cedars Of Lebanon jakoś mi się skojarzył teraz z Mothers Of The Disappeared.
No i początek, pierwsze trzy kawałki - TO będzie MIAZGA. I ten album może być cholernie spójny brzmieniowo i w ogóle, a ja to bardzo cenię.
Napisano 02 lutego 2009 - 02:57
ale milej dla oka wyglądałoby jedno konkretne zdjęcie, może ewentualnie 2, jedno pod drugim, a nie taki mix.
tak czy siak to myślę, że znacznie lepiej będzie się prezentował na ścianie niż vertigowskie paski..
wszystko co genialne jest proste
szukam sponsora do wystrzelenia mnie w kosmos!..
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