To z "ooooo" to jest Unknown Caller
Otóż. I tego się doczekać nie mogę strasznie.
A numer 4 z Eze? Skoro 2, to Breathe? Bo 4 jeszcze lepsza..

Użytkownik acr edytował ten post 30 stycznia 2009 - 14:39
Napisano 30 stycznia 2009 - 16:42
Napisano 30 stycznia 2009 - 17:19
Ocena w skali 1-10 wg Musica Terra (Espana)
- Moment of surrender 2
Średnia (NLOTH): 5.64/10
Napisano 30 stycznia 2009 - 19:04
Pamiętacie pierwsze recenzje HTDAAB..??
Też było, że to nowe U2, nowy kierunek, eksperymenty i nowatorstwo i 'ochy' i 'achy'.. a wyszło//jak wyszło..
Napisano 30 stycznia 2009 - 19:34
Napisano 30 stycznia 2009 - 20:19
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 07:49
Dawno nie śledziłem tematu:czy może mi ktoś z szanownego forum doradzić którą wersję płyty wybrać (chodzi mi o zawartość muzyczna, mówiło się coś o bonus trackach), bo już się pogubiłem a muszę zamówić w ciągu 48 godzin?
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 08:21
Napisano 31 stycznia 2009 - 10:29
The album track-by-track
1. "No line on the horizon"
Characteristic of the U2 song, the epic sense in growing, guitars sometimes quiet, sometimes strident, with Bono singing "i know a girl who's like the sea / I watch her everyday changing for me / Oh yeah." Originally had a very environmental treatment, through the production of Brian Eno, but in the end it became a abrasive rock song.
2. "Magnificent"
One of the songs that promises immediate membership. "Only love can reset your mind" Bono sings, among the environments that lead to the U2 album "Unforgettable Fire", in combination with the most direct route rock of recent albums. There are electronic effects, orchestral arrangements that evoke the period "The Joshua Tree" and a balance of typical song of love - "I was born to sing for you / I did not have a choice but to lift you up / And sing whatever song you wanted me to / I give you my voice back. "
3. "Moment of surrender"
Promises to be a classic in many concerts in the line of what happens with ballads like "One". Melodic song of seven minutes, starts slow, with lyrics about "dark stars" and with Bono's voice a little hoarse evoking existential crises - "I myself tied with wire / To let the horses free / Playing with the fire until the fire played with me. " The pace and syncope, the blues guitar of The Edge line of low and delicate environment, creating a hypnotic effect general.
4. "Unknown caller"
It is one of the songs where Bono is in a fictional role, someone in an altered state that is faced with a phone that speech. On the sound could belong to "All That You Can not Leave Behind," the half-time pace, silky, with light body and The Edge to leave its mark in an intricate guitar break.
5. "I'll go crazy if i do not go crazy tonight"
As the title suggests, is one of the most daytime, and markedly festival pop along the lines of classics like "Beautiful Day", with some echoes, reverberations, refrain effective (I'll go crazy if i do not go crazy tonight " ), guitars and falsetto loose from Bono to proclaim "every generation gets a chance to change the world."
6. "Get on your boots"
It is the single in advance, the subject most virulent of the whole disc and one of the most powerful and fastest-ever of the quartet, mixed strident guitar rock & roll, and a synthetic elements that Bono shouted: "Get on your boots / Sexy boots / You do not know how beautiful you are. "
7. "Stand up comedy"
Another rocker, noisy and powerful. Bono pulls the voice, but it's the guitar that dominates. The fact that The Edge has participated in a documentary with Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) seems to have left marks, so the guitar evokes the Zeppelin of other times.To the original title - "Stand up," alluding to the humanist movement The Stand Up and Take Action Against Poverty - was added "comedy" and listening to the song it is perceived why, what seems to be a moment of self-irony of Bono: " On a voyage of discovery stand up to rock stars, Napoleon is in high heels / Josephine, be careful of small men with big ideas. "
8. "Fez - Being born"
The African experience - recorded in Fez, Morocco - is the subject, one of the best and most adventurous. "Six o 'clock on the autoroute / Burning rubber, burning chrome / Boy of Cadiz and ferry home / Atlantic sea cut glass / African Sun at last" Bono launches, through a compact sound architecture. It is perhaps the one that best summarizes the album, combining the spirit of direct rock and recent rib adventurous 90s.
9. "White as the snow"
Atmospheric acoustic ballad, about a soldier lost in snow in Afghanistan. "Where I came from there were no hills at all / The land was flat, straight highway and the wider / My brother and i would drive for hours" recalls Bono, travel by the mind of a soldier lost in their memories, in an epic track.
10. "Breathe"
Eastern slow start with allusions to the level of the arrangements, but then there is a growing continuum of intensity, what is the favorite song of producer Brian Eno. It is indicative of a more complex disc - each song integrates various dynamics - that his two predecessors.
11. "Cedars of Lebanon"
Bono wears the role of a war correspondent for atmospheric evocation not far from songs like "With or without you." The tone is confessional, the reflective verses end: "choose your enemies carefully 'cos they will define you / Make them interesting' cos in some ways they will mind you / They're not there in the beginning but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friend. "
ciuch ciuch!
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