Koncerty U2 - poszukiwanie nagrań.
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 00:07
So does that mean that you even exclude trade attempts?Unfortunately you are neither in the position to require or to negotiate, I'm sorry to say.
That mics, right? http://www.soundprof...d/item/SP-CMC-8
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 00:30
(I am sorry this is all I want to give you for free - It's not the question of money, maybe some of you don't really get the point):
i certainly don't get the point at all, but i feel quite fascinated by the motivations of bootleggers. this will be my field of investigation for some time from now on.

Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 00:35
So does that mean that you even exclude trade attempts?
That's not the conclusion of my posting, I didn't state that, you must have just the right offers - IEM Prague 97 being none of them. In the second place you have to comply with my trading rules, no sharing with the public under any circumstances, which would be an serious obstacle at least for you.
Exact with "battery box" and "low sensivity" modification as you probably want to tape Rock shows and not classic concertsThat mics, right? http://www.soundprof...d/item/SP-CMC-8
Honestly the audio of Chorzow 05 is poor even for 70s standards - 2009 at the best acceptable, but if it's enjoyable for you, then do so.Hahaha, so low, so low.
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 00:48
Fajne nagranie. Jakością dorównuje raczej oficjalnym wydawnictwom aniżeli amatorskim bootlegom.
I know quite well that this DVD wasn't recorded by Telewizja Polska - nice pictures and excellent work (apart from the sound), anyway
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 00:51
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 01:13
Your audience recording of 2009 is really top notch. Maybe someday you will change your rules and release it yourself. Now all we can do is to wait and hope. Any trade is pointless then - as you cleverly pointed out - due to very strict limitations you impose on your recordings.
Thank you, I recorded them nine times from 2009 to 2010 in this quality, which was straining my nerves and not quite enjoyable at any time I recorded them. -One big difference between you and us tapers- you can enjoy the shows, we certainly can't do that.
Mabye next time if U2 will come to Poland again, I will be there again as I like the good people of Poland and your country (I don't mean this sarcastic) and maybe your hopes getting fullfilled someday - never say never -but in the meantime patience will be your virtue.
Good Night and all the best for you
Napisano 16 maja 2011 - 01:33
Most of us know it's not the best. But on the other hand, it's good enough and we can use it.nice pictures and excellent work (apart from the sound), anyway
I never had a chance to record any U2 concert but I know this pain too.which was straining my nerves and not quite enjoyable at any time I recorded them. -One big difference between you and us tapers- you can enjoy the shows, we certainly can't do that.

Napisano 18 maja 2011 - 17:16

na szczęście nie wszyscy lecą na kase, niektórzy maja zasady, w tym momencie kolo od "bojowników niewinności" czy jak on to stwierdził szcza ze wstydu ??

nic tylko się cieszyć z oferty i żałować że nie mamy nic extra w zamian

Napisano 20 lutego 2012 - 11:16
Napisano 20 lutego 2012 - 18:05

co do samej strony to w końcu w normalnym języku

Napisano 27 lutego 2012 - 16:27
Można obejrzeć gdzieś ten koncert? (najbardziej zależy mi na fragmencie gdy ci panowie są razem na scenie)
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