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Songs Of Innocence

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Poll: Songs Of Innocence (93 member(s) have cast votes)

Który utwór/utwory powinny zostać singlami promującymi Songs of Innocence?

  1. The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) (11 votes [4.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 4.04%

  2. Every Breaking Wave (53 votes [19.49%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.49%

  3. California (There Is No End To Love) (26 votes [9.56%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.56%

  4. Song For Someone (10 votes [3.68%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.68%

  5. Iris (Hold Me Close) (10 votes [3.68%])

    Percentage of vote: 3.68%

  6. Volcano (14 votes [5.15%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.15%

  7. Raised By Wolves (6 votes [2.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.21%

  8. Cedarwood Road (5 votes [1.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 1.84%

  9. Sleep Like a Baby Tonight (22 votes [8.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 8.09%

  10. This Is Where You Can Reach Me Now (18 votes [6.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 6.62%

  11. The Troubles (35 votes [12.87%])

    Percentage of vote: 12.87%

  12. Lucifer's Hands (8 votes [2.94%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.94%

  13. Crystal Ballroom (45 votes [16.54%])

    Percentage of vote: 16.54%

  14. The Troubles (jakaś alt version) (1 votes [0.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.37%

  15. Sleep Like A Baby Tonight (też jakaś alt version) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  16. The Miracle (Of Joey Ramone) (acoustic) (1 votes [0.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.37%

  17. Every Breaking Wave (acoustic) (6 votes [2.21%])

    Percentage of vote: 2.21%

  18. Song For Someone (acoustic) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  19. California (acoustic) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  20. Raised By Wolves (acoustic) (1 votes [0.37%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.37%

  21. Cedarwood Road (acoustic) (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

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#2021 mayday



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Posted 27 sierpnia 2009 - 23:53

No to jakoś się nie zanosi, że SOA wyjdzie na przełomie grudnia i stycznia. Jeżeli zaczną "dopieszczać" album dopiero w listopadzie (zakładam, że materiał już w znakomitej większości gotowy), to trochę to potrwa.

Pewnie SOA wyjdzie koło marca, więc może jakiś nowy song zagrają w Pradze? Albo Poznaniu (nie bijta mnie :P )

#2022 bob



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Posted 28 sierpnia 2009 - 10:37

No to jakoś się nie zanosi, że SOA wyjdzie na przełomie grudnia i stycznia. Jeżeli zaczną "dopieszczać" album dopiero w listopadzie (zakładam, że materiał już w znakomitej większości gotowy), to trochę to potrwa.

Pewnie SOA wyjdzie koło marca, więc może jakiś nowy song zagrają w Pradze? Albo Poznaniu (nie bijta mnie :P )

hmm według mnie zagrają jakieś 6-7 songów z nowej płyty na 2 legu w Europie...z No Line zostawią pewnie Breathe,Magnificent lub Get On Your Boots...

#2023 MartinTexas



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Posted 28 sierpnia 2009 - 13:40

hmm według mnie zagrają jakieś 6-7 songów z nowej płyty na 2 legu w Europie...z No Line zostawią pewnie Breathe,Magnificent lub Get On Your Boots...

Myślę jednak, że będzie odwrotnie to z nowej płyty będą ze 2-3 utwory a większość z NLOTH pozostanie. Popatrzcie na ZooTV. Po wydaniu Zooropy utwory z AB w dużej części nadal były grane. ;)

#2024 TUFKAK_U2



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Posted 29 sierpnia 2009 - 20:28

hmm według mnie zagrają jakieś 6-7 songów z nowej płyty na 2 legu w Europie...z No Line zostawią pewnie Breathe,Magnificent lub Get On Your Boots...

Z NLOTH na pewno zostawią wszystkie single + utwór tytułowy ;)

#2025 Suzanne



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Posted 30 sierpnia 2009 - 23:39

Pewnie SOA wyjdzie koło marca, więc może jakiś nowy song zagrają w Pradze? Albo Poznaniu (nie bijta mnie :P )

Sorry, że tak wyskoczę nie do tematu, ale jestem trochę niezorientowana, a raczej rzekłabym: zdezorientowana ;P czy w takim razie w przyszłym roku będzie koncert w Poznaniu, czy to był taki ot, po prostu, żarcik? xD

#2026 Guest_piotrek85_*

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Posted 30 sierpnia 2009 - 23:41

czy w takim razie w przyszłym roku będzie koncert w Poznaniu, czy to był taki ot, po prostu, żarcik? xD

Jak na razie to tylko nasze pobożne życzenia. ;)

#2027 mayday



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Posted 31 sierpnia 2009 - 11:14

Otóż to, pobożne życzenia ;)

W sumie idea i lokalizacja polskiego koncertu w 2010 to dzieło U2Forums :P

#2028 derka


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Posted 31 sierpnia 2009 - 11:56

Jeszcze prasa podchwyci hehe i zobaczymy artykuł w internecie "U2 w Poznaniu w 2010?" hehe

There's always a chance as long as one can think
this is music : last

#2029 kiwi



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Posted 01 września 2009 - 12:39

Podczas wywiadu dla BBC Bono i The Edge potwierdzili, że wracają do pracy nad SOA i Spider-manem po 2 legu touru

hm.. jak tak niesmiało zapytuję - ten Spider-man to chodzi o soundtrack do filmu??? :blink: czy cuś innego? :huh:
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight!
(Poszalałbym, ale nie dziś!)

#2030 chrapcio



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Posted 01 września 2009 - 12:44

To muzyka do musicalu

ciuch ciuch!

Chrapcio7 on Last.FM

#2031 kiwi



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Posted 01 września 2009 - 13:30

Oki doki Man!
Dzięki za oświecenie.... :rolleyes:
I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight!
(Poszalałbym, ale nie dziś!)

#2032 OutOfControl



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Posted 02 września 2009 - 20:22

Miało być wcześniej, na święta. :(

#2033 MartinTexas



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Posted 03 września 2009 - 15:12

Miało być wcześniej, na święta. :(

A powiedz mi, której oni ostatnio daty dotrzymali??? :rolleyes: Wszystko się przesuwa! Każdy singiel, album o pół roku a za tym poszła całą trasa. Strona WWW wystartowała z opóźnieniem. Reedycje się opóźniają, itd. itp. :lol: :P Mnie już to chyba nie zdziwi. Jak tak dalej będzie szło to na święta pojawi się 4. singiel i z okazji świąt będzie to WAS :P

Choć przez to przesunięcie album może się nie załapać na The Best Of 2000-2010! :unsure: :unsure: ;)

#2034 Guest_Judd_*

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Posted 03 września 2009 - 15:15

Myślę, że będzie na list/grud 2010
Na 'Gwiazdkę'

#2035 MartinTexas



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Posted 04 września 2009 - 16:29

Myślę, że będzie na list/grud 2010
Na 'Gwiazdkę'

A to fakt! :lol: Nie wiemy, którą "Gwiazdkę" U2 mieli na myśli...
Mnie to jakoś nie zdziwi za bardzo, choć wolałbym ten album dostać dużo wcześniej. :unsure:

#2036 Atomic_Mario



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Posted 18 września 2009 - 08:26

Oto co powiedział Bono na temat przyszłych planów U2 w wywidzie dla "Sun Media":

SUN MEDIA: What's the status on a second more ambient album, to be released from the Lanois-Eno sessions, with the working title Songs of Ascent, and then the Rick Rubin session before that?

BONO: We've got a few albums up our sleeves. We've got a whole album we started with Rick Rubin, which is a rocking club album with beats and big guitars, and I can't wait to get back to that. So we're going to see where the mood takes us. But it's not like we have to start afresh. We have five or six songs on that album. We have about 12 on the Songs of Ascent, plus The Edge and myself have written Spiderman: The Musical -- that's nearly done. It's been an incredible time as songwriters ... If you're going to go out on the road, you have to have songs that have the attitude and the ambition to play in a venue like (the Rogers Centre), because if they haven't got it, you're not going to play them because whilst we like people to look a little startled, we're not going to do a crap show just to promote our new album. So they have to be great.

Dołączona grafika

#2037 Indian Summer

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Posted 18 września 2009 - 09:06

Może wyjdzie z tego wszystkiego fajna trylogia:
3. Rubin sessions rock club album 2011

BYłby odlot:)

So wind blow through to my heart, so wind blow through my soul

#2038 chrapcio



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Posted 19 września 2009 - 21:22

Wywiad Adama dla Sun Media:

Sun Media: Bono told me there is another album coming, with the working title, Songs Of Ascent, the more ambient songs done with Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, from the sessions for your latest album No Line On The Horizon?

Clayton: Some of it, I'm sure, is true, especially for Bono. And those are great aspirations. I'm a little bit more nuts and bolts and until there are 10 songs finished, mixed and on a shelf, then that's not definite for me. It takes us a long time. When Bono hears two notes together he hears a song complete. When anyone else hears two notes together, we hear a starting point.

Sun Media: Bono was also hopeful you guys would go back to the shelved Rick Rubin sessions, which began before the Eno-Lanois sessions.

Clayton: I'd like to. Part of the reason we didn't feel like pursuing them at the time was that they were too purist, they were too fundamental, and we tend to like our music a little bit more complex -- so I don't know at what point we'll want something as straight forward as that. Rick strips everything away. There's no real dressing. He doesn't like atmospherics and textures or any of that stuff. I think we all thought we could do something interesting together if we applied that sort of discipline, but in the end I think we realized that we like the textures and colours and tones.

ciuch ciuch!

Chrapcio7 on Last.FM

#2039 chrapcio



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Posted 01 października 2009 - 15:58


Posted: September 30, 2009
By: m2
We hinted at this on Twitter over the past few days, and now it's confirmed: U2 (well, Bono and Edge) are on the cover of the new issue of Rolling Stone, which is available today. The cover story is titled U2 Live From Outer Space and you can get a sneak peek at the story on RollingStone.com. The article itself focuses strictly on the U2 360 tour, but last night on Twitter, author Brian Hiatt told us that there'll be an update on U2's new album, Songs of Ascent, sometime soon on RollingStone.com.

ciuch ciuch!

Chrapcio7 on Last.FM

#2040 chrapcio



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Posted 02 października 2009 - 14:26

Zespół o planach na przyszłość

The Edge: We're sort of spoiled for choice right now, because there's a bunch of amazing pieces that we didn't finish from the work we did in Fez, and there's the songs we started with Rick Rubin, some of which are amazing songs that I'd love to get back to at some point. Bono and I also have this Spider-Man [musical] project, which we're very happy about. So there are a lot of things on the stove, and they're all very exciting.

Now that this tour is kind of up and running, I'm really looking forward to getting into those projects, doing some listening back, seeing where they're all at, seeing which one is probably set to go first. The one thing is we'd love to follow this album up sooner rather than later — I don't think we'll have over three years or whatever it was between the last two records. It's hard to say [about a U2 Spider-Man album]. There will be a Spider-Man album, but whether it's us or the cast, that's the sort of thing we're not sure about. There are some amazing tunes.

Larry Mullen: I definitely think we should do something good as soon as we possibly can, as opposed to quickly. I'm feeling that it's the unfinished songs from this record that we should be concentrating on. I think there's a part two of this record. That would be my instinct, would be to complete this. I think there is slower, meditative stuff on there, but I think there are other things, as well, and I don't think it will end up being that kind of record. I think it will end up being a mixture of a few different things. I would like to think that we would have a song that would end up on the radio.

Rolling Stone: Did you reconvene with Brian Eno to do any recording?

Larry Mullen: We've talked about it, and how we would do it. I think he went into the studio to have a listen to some things. We will get back together with him.

RS: Over the break between this year and next?

Larry Mullen: Absolutely, yeah. I'd also like to get back to the [Rick Rubin] sessions. I think there's some really good stuff there.

Bono: We certainly don't want to go away for a few years. [The next] album is called Songs of Ascent, and it's a very clear idea. If we're going to do another rock record, I want to do Spider-Man. I just haven't talked Adam and Larry into that.

I would like to have one of our songs on the pop charts. It's my only disappointment [with No Line on the Horizon] People love, love the album it's had rave reviews, not just in the U.S., but all over the world. But I would like a few pop songs on it. So I would like, even on Songs of Ascent, songs that have a shot at that. I would like to come back with a new single in the spring — "Every Breaking Wave" was Jimmy Iovine's favorite song, and lots of people got upset when we took that off.

I o sesji z Rickiem Rubinem

The Edge: I think had we finished the songs, it would have worked, but we sort of hadn't really finished the songs. It's typical for us, because it's in the process of recording that we really do our writing. But we'd almost have to make a record with Brian [Eno] and Danny [Lanois] first, then go and re-record it with Rick Rubin. And we may do that. We did start material with Rick, which I still believe in. I would love to get back to that project at some point. I wouldn't rule it out.

Adam Clayton: Rick was great; he was very focused and I was excited. The material was of a very high standard, but it sort of became clear that the things that we were interested in — in terms of, once we have a song, we're interested in the atmospherics and the tones and the overdubs and the different stuff you can do with it — were things that Rick was not in the slightest bit interested in. He was interested in getting it from embryonic stage to a song that could be mixed and put on a record. And we're almost the kind of band that goes, "Well, sure, you've got it to that point, but now how far can you push it?" He was committed to that process of getting it to that finished stage, and then at the point when we were kind of excited to push it further, that's almost the point when he lost interest.

And I think initially, we had sort of said, "Well, you know, it's gonna be interesting to do a sort of stripped-down, sort of Rick Rubin, back-to-basics kind of record," and then as we as we kind of examined that it was like, "Well, all that would be doing is kind of making a kind of slightly better version of what we've already done." And we just didn't feel that the next record should be that.

I'm sure we'll go back to those Rick Rubin tunes and that Rick Rubin session, but I guess we just thought, at the time, that wasn't what we were interested in. We weren't interested in redefining the basic U2. It would've been, you know, no overdubs — just band takes and here it is.

Larry Mullen Jr.: Simple as this, I've a huge fan of Rick, he's a very nice man, an incredibly talented man, but we weren't ready. He's got very, very great skills but we are just slightly slow and we don't learn quickly and we thought we were better than we actually were. So when we went in to record the songs, he was confused and so were we. He did a lot of work, but they weren't right. And it's nothing to do with him. At all. And it's not his fault. It has been reported that he was dropped off the project and whatever — but that's not true, it was more that we needed to have something to work off of, and that's what Brian and Danny do.

ciuch ciuch!

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