W wywiadzie dla RS, o którym już wspominałem:
Are you going to play the album in sequence at the shows?
I believe we will, and I say "I believe we will" because that is certainly the working assumption right now. The show might not necessarily start with Side One, Track One, "Where The Streets Have No Name", because we feel like maybe we need to build up to that moment, so we're still in the middle of figuring out exactly how the running order will go, so yes. We will be playing the album in sequence.
Teoretycznie można to rozumieć tak, że album zostanie odegrany "za jednym rzutem", ale kolejność piosenek niekoniecznie będzie taka jak na płycie, wydaje mi się jednak, że i dziennikarz i Edge na 90% mieli na myśli "sequence" z płyty.