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Pretty As A Picture

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#1021 acr


    mam tu fajne drzewko

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Posted 30 listopada 2014 - 21:52

ważny jest tańczący Chandler czy też wchodzący w tym momencie Ross?

#1022 andie


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Posted 30 listopada 2014 - 23:57

to nie Crazy, Disco ani Dancing Barefoot.


Ross nie jest istotny, przypadkiem wszedł :P

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1023 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:03

shake it shake it shake it Salome ?

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1024 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:04

to nie Salome


Always też nie

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1025 Redgar


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:10

Yes, be awkward
And don't look in the obvious place

#1026 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:12

Two Hearts Beat As One ?

I can't stop to dance

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1027 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:16

Two Hearts Beat As One ?

I can't stop to dance




tak :)

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1028 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:28

No to na dobranoc :)



If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1029 The Fly

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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 00:46

On the line

My pulse is fine



#1030 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 06:45

to nie Breathe :)

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1031 Redgar


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 12:41

Oczywiście to nie Acrobat :P

#1032 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 13:44

Acrobat też nie. Ale rozwiązanie faktycznie jest dość oczywiste, nie ma co kombinować ;)

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1033 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 21:31

skoro oczywiste, to może chodzi o Wire?

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1034 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 21:34

jeszcze nie ta piosenka, ale ogólnie bardzo, bardzo blisko

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1035 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 21:38

hm, Rise Above?

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1036 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 22:15

Oj nie nie. Weź swoje pierwsze skojarzenie i dodaj do niego coś jeszcze co widać na zdjęciu ;)

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1037 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 22:21

aaah the wire is stretched in between our two towers

Stand Up Comedy

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1038 stokrotka


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 22:33

Tak ! :D

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

#1039 andie


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Posted 01 grudnia 2014 - 22:35

będzie łatwe:




sorry, że tak ciągle nimi spamuję, ale spędzam jesień z Friends :P

Is there an order in all of this disorder
Is it like a tape recorder
Can we rewind it just once more

#1040 stokrotka


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Posted 02 grudnia 2014 - 17:01

Drunk Chicken ? :D

If I'm close to the music and you are close to the music, then we are close to each other

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